Reverse Mortgage Basics

Reverse Mortgage Basics

What is a Reverse Mortgage? A reverse mortgage is a type of loan that allows homeowners who are 62 years of age or older to convert some of their home equity into cash. Unlike a traditional mortgage where the borrower makes monthly payments to the lender, with a reverse mortgage, the lender pays the borrower.…

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What is Medicare?

What is Medicare?

Medicare is federal insurance that workers earn after a lifetime of working. The Medicare part A benefit pays for stays at rehabilitation centers. Medicare allows for up to 100 days of inpatient Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation per episode.

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How often will I see a doctor in a Skilled Nursing Rehab Facility?

Skilled Nursing Facility | Doctors

The frequency in which you will be seen depends on your specific medical needs and the physician group.   Unlike the hospital, you will most likely not see a doctor every day. You will typically see a Doctor, Physicians Assistant, or Nurse Practicioner within 72 hours of admitting, and as-needed after that initial visit.  …

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How much monitoring happens at a Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facility?

Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facility | Monitoring

When a patient discharges from a hospital to a skilled nursing facility, the patient should be stable enough for less frequent monitoring. The frequency that each patient will be monitored depends on the individual care plan, the doctors orders, and the policies of each individual skilled nursing facility. Family members and additional care-givers can often…

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How often should Skilled Nursing Rehab Patients be checked on?

Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facility | Check-in

This depends on the patient, but typically staff checks in with patients multiple times throughout the day. Typical times are: when nursing is passing medications, performing assessments and treatments; when nurse aides are assisting patients with morning and evening activities of daily living; when therapy is working with patients; at meal times, and when patients…

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Can a family member stay with me overnight?

Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facility | Family Visits

Generally speaking — Yes! If a patient requests for companionship overnight most skilled nursing facilities will encourage the support. If you decide to spend the night, you’ll want to  let the nursing staff know as soon as possible so they can make your stay as comfortable as possible.

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How long should it take to answer call lights?

Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facility | Call Light Asnwered

Most Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facilities strive to answer every call light promptly. The goal is to be at the light within 5-10 minutes.  This does not mean that all needs can be met in five minutes or less. If your need can’t be immediately met, the staff member should keep your light on until it…

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Who supplies medications for the patients?

Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation | Medications

Many facilities utilize an outside pharmacy to supply and deliver prescription medications. When a patient is transferred from a hospital to a Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation Facility, the hospital will send over a list of orders for medications.  When those orders are received, an order is typically placed with the pharmacy. The pharmacy often delivers medications…

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